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FANS App Privacy Policy

Blue Garage Corporation complies with the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of Korea and all related laws and regulations, and processes and manages the personal information of users in a lawful and safe way in order to protect the liberty and rights of data subjects when providing the “FANS” service. This Privacy Policy is established and disclosed to inform data subjects of the procedures and standards applied to the processing of personal information under Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and the prompt and efficient handling of any complaints related thereto, as follows:


Article 1. Purpose for Processing of Personal Information

Blue Garage shall process the personal information of users for the following purposes. Personal information processed by Blue Garage shall not be used for any purposes other than the following. Where the purpose of personal information use is changed, certain necessary measures, such as obtaining a separate consent as required by Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act will be taken.

  • Membership, service use and consultation, identification and authentication, verification and prevention of illegal use, sending various notifications, complaint handling, analysis of service use records, statistics processing
  • Operation and management of artists community
  • Sending of messages on media, event, and schedule related to artists
  • Holding of performances and events, such as fan meetings and open broadcasts
  • Handling of customer inquiries and consultations


Article 2. Details of Personal Information to be Handled, Period for Processing and Retaining Personal Information

1. Blue Garage shall collect and use the personal information within the minimum scope necessary to provide the service.

2. When a member withdraws or a member account is deleted due to false personal information provided, the personal information collected shall be deleted completely and may not be used for any purpose.

3. After notifying the member in advance, the member’s personal information shall be destroyed without delay once the retention period elapses or the purpose of its collection has been achieved; provided, however, that where the personal information needs to be retained as per Blue Garage’s policy or the related laws and regulations, the personal information may be retained for a period specified below:

  • The following records shall be destroyed after being retained for a certain period of time specified by the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce (retention period in parentheses)
  1.  Records on contract, cancellation of order (five years)
  2. Records on payment, supply of goods (five years)
  3. Records on handling of complaint or dispute of consumers (three years)
  4. Records on labeling and advertising (six months)
  • All books and documentary evidence of transactions shall be destroyed after being retained for five years, as prescribed by the Framework Act on National Taxes.
  • Records of electronic financial transactions shall be destroyed after being retained for five years, as required by the Electronic Financial Transactions Act.
  • Records on service visits shall be destroyed after being retained for three months, as required by the Protection of Communications Secrets Act.

4. When a member withdraws, all personal information including their account information and activity history shall be deleted. However, the same shall not apply to the following: contents created in the service community by the member; replies to posts; and like history.


Article 3. Procedures and Method of Destroying Personal Information

1. After the retention period elapses or the purpose of collection of the personal information is achieved, Blue Garage shall, in principle, destroy the personal information without delay.

2. Procedures for destruction

  • The information that a member enters for membership shall, in principle, be destroyed without delay with the approval of the privacy manager, once the purpose of its collection has been achieved. Furthermore, such information shall not be used for any purpose other than the purposes for which it was retained, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. However, personal information that is required to be retained under the related laws and regulations shall be retained separately. Personal information of members that is required to be retained separately shall not be used for any purpose other than the purposes stipulated by the laws and regulations.

3. Methods of destruction

  • Personal information that is printed shall be destroyed by incineration or shredding with a paper shredder. Personal information saved in an electronic file format shall be deleted in a manner that prevents it from being recovered or reproduced.


Article 4. Matters Concerning Processing of Personal Information of Minors Under 14 Years of Age

The service provided by Blue Garage is not offered to minors under 14 years of age. If Blue Garage becomes aware that the personal information of a minor under 14 years of age has been collected, Blue Garage shall delete the personal information and may close the account of the relevant member.


Article 5. Matters Concerning Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

1. Blue Garageshall process the personal information of data subjects only within the scope specified in Article 1 (Purpose for Processing of Personal Information). Additionally, Blue Garage shall not provide the personal information of data subjects to a third party, except in cases where Article 17 or 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act applies, such as with the consent of the data subject.

2. Blue Garage shall provide the personal information of the data subject with the consent of the data subject under Article 17(1)1 of the Personal Information Protection Act, in the following cases:

Also, Blue Garage may provide the personal information without the member’s consent within a scope reasonably related to the purpose of its collection under the related laws and regulations. In such case, the following shall be taken into consideration: whether it is related to the purpose of its collection; whether it is predictable in light of the circumstances under which the personal information was collected or the processing practices; whether the member’s interests were unreasonably infringed; and whether safety measures, such as pseudonymization or encryption, have been taken.


Article 6. Use of YouTube API and Privacy Policy

Blue Garage uses the YouTube API service and complies with its terms of use and privacy policy.

1. YouTube Terms of Service (https://www.youtube.com/t/terms)

2. Google Privacy Policy (https://policies.google.com/privacy)

3. YouTube API Services Terms of Service (https://developers.google.com/youtube/terms/api-services-terms-of-service)

4. As to the YouTube channel, the following shall be collected: name; the number of subscribers; the number of videos; the number of views; and a list of videos. Where Blue Garage does not want to access its API, Blue Garage may release permissions through the following link: https://myaccount.google.com/permissions


Article 7. Entrustment of Processing of Personal Information

1. Blue Garage entrusts the processing of personal information to an external agency to improve the service. In doing so, Blue Garage clearly specifies, through the entrustment agreement, that the external agency must observe the following: strict adherence to the service provider’s instructions on personal information; confidentiality of personal information; prohibition of provision to third parties; and responsibility in the event of incident.

2. The agencies to which Blue Garage entrusts the processing of personal information and the details of entrusted work are as follows:



[Personal information handling agencies]

[Personal information handling platforms]

3. Where details of the work entrusted or the entrusted party is changed, Blue Garage will disclose such change through this Privacy Policy without delay.


Article 8. Transfer of Personal Information Abroad

1. Blue Garage entrusts the personal information collected from service members to overseas parties in compliance with Article 28-8(1)3(a) (overseas processing entrustment and retention for contract fulfillment) of the Personal Information Protection Act as follows:

2. A user may refuse the cross-border transfer by contacting the Privacy Department specified in Article 13 of this Privacy Policy; provided, however, that in such cases, the service may no longer be available or its use may be restricted.

3. Where any matter concerning the cross-border transfer is changed, Blue Garage will disclose such change through this Privacy Policy without delay.

Article 9. Rights and Obligations of Data Subject and Legal Representative, and How to Exercise Such Rights

A member may verify, query or amend their personal information at any time, and may request to cancel their membership or suspend the processing of their personal information, or withdraw their consent to the processing of personal information; provided, however, that by doing so, their use of the service may be restricted in part or in whole. Additionally, a member for whom the service is suspended permanently may retain their personal information without a temporal limit.

A member may query or amend their personal information in [MY FANS > My information]. Furthermore, a member may, at any time, revoke their user agreement within the service. In such case, the personal information of the member will be fully deleted; provided, however, that where the personal information falls under Article 2(3) of this Privacy Policy, the personal information may be retained for a certain period of time as required by the related laws and regulations.

If a member requests to correct or delete their personal information, Blue Garage shall take necessary measures without delay after verifying the member. Also, the privacy manager may, at their own discretion, destroy the personal information, such as through deletion of member account, where the case falls under Article 20(1) (Restriction on Use) of the service Terms of Use.

When a member requests to correct an error in his/her personal information, the personal information shall not be used or provided until the correction is made. If such incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, Blue Garage shall notify the third party of the correction to the personal information.

Blue Garage processes personal information canceled or deleted at a member’s request as specified in Article 3 of the Privacy Policy, and prevents the personal information from being queried or used for other purposes.


Article 10. Standards for Determination of Additional Use and Provision of Personal Information

Blue Garage may use or provide the personal information without the consent of data subjects within a scope reasonably related to the initial purpose of its collection, in consideration of the following: whether data subjects are disadvantaged under the Personal Information Protection Act; and whether measures, such as encryption, are taken to ensure the safety of the personal information. Specifically, the following shall be taken into consideration:

(1) Whether the purpose for which the personal information will be used and provided additionally is relevant to the initial purpose of its collection

(2) Whether the additional use and provision are predictable in light of the circumstances under which the personal information was collected, or the processing practices

(3) Whether the additional use and provision of personal information unfairly infringe the interest of the data subjects

(4) Whether the safety measures necessary to ensure the safety of the data subject, such as pseudonymization or encryption, are taken

Blue Garage shall carefully determine whether to use and provide the personal information, in consideration of the following: the related laws and regulations, such as the Personal Information Protection Act; purposes of use and provision of the personal information; method of using and providing the personal information; particulars of the personal information to be used and provided; whether the data subject consents or has been notified, and the details of such consent; effects of use and provision on data subjects; and measures taken to protect the relevant personal information.


Article 11. Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information

While members’ personal information is being processed, Blue Garage deploys the following technical and managerial measures to ensure its safety so that the personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, falsified or damaged:

1. Technical measures

Blue Garage strives to prevent its members’ personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses. Blue Garage takes the following measures: regular data backups to prepare for potential damage to personal information; installing the latest antivirus programs to prevent the user’s personal information from being leaked or damaged; ensuring the personal information is only transmitted over networks in encrypted form. Additionally, Blue Garage endeavors to control unauthorized access using a firewall, and is equipped with all technical systems available to ensure data security.

2. Managerial measures

Blue Garage shall limit the number of employees involved in processing the personal information. To this end, Blue Garage assigns separate passwords and updates them on a regular basis. Furthermore, Blue Garage continuously emphasizes the need for the relevant employees to comply with the Privacy Policy through education and training.

Blue Garage employs a privacy manager, and verifies at all times the implementation of the Privacy Policy. If a problem is found, Blue Garage will correct the problem without delay; provided, however, that Blue Garage shall not be held liable for any problem arising from the leakage of personal information caused by a user’s negligence or an Internet problem.

3. Physical measures

Blue Garage is equipped with an access control system for its data processing room and data archive room to secure the safety of personal information.


Article 12. Matters concerning Installation, Operation and Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection Tools

Blue Garage installs and operates cookies to provide the user with a smoothly operating web environment; however, the user may refuse to install such cookies.

A cookie is a very small text file that is sent to a user’s browser by a server which operates an app. A cookie is saved on the user’s device. A cookie does not collect any personally identifiable information, and the user may refuse or delete the cookie at any time.

Purpose of cookies: Blue Garage is able to provide its user with a faster and more convenient web environment by saving, through cookies, the settings designated by the user or page preferred by an administrator.

Installation, operation and refusal of cookies: The user has the option of deciding whether to install cookies. A user can do one of the following, by adjusting the settings of their web browser or OS: allow all cookies; ask for consent whenever cookies are saved; or refuse all cookies. However, refusing cookies may result in a less convenient experience, and may prevent the use of some services that require a login.

Article 13. Matters Concerning Collection, Use, and Refusal of Behavioral Information

1. Blue Garage uses Google Analytics, which is a log analysis tool provided by Google, to analyze the service use statistics. Blue Garage collects, through Google Analytics, the behavioral information of users of the service. If users do not want their behavioral information to be processed, the users may refuse to consent, as follows:

  • Behavioral information to be collected: Website visit history, browser information, device information
  • Android devices: Settings > Privacy > Advertisements > Deletion of advertisement ID
  • iOS devices: Settings > Privacy > Tracking > Disable tracking permission

Blue Garage does not use the behavioral information it collects through Google Analytics for customized online advertisements.


Article 14. Privacy Manager

1. 1. Blue Garage’s privacy manager supervises the processing of personal information, handles complaints raised by data subjects in relation to the processing of personal information and relief of damage. The contact information of the JYP privacy manager is as follows,

Privacy Manager

Name: Jung Min-jong

Position: CPO

Email: privacy_help@jype.com

Phone: 1577-9621

2. Privacy Department

Name: Information Security Group

Phone: 1577-9621

Email: privacy_help@jype.com

3. Users may contact the privacy manager or privacy department for inquiries on the following: privacy-related inquiries, complaint handling, and damage relief. Blue Garage shall answer and handle the data subject’s inquiry without delay.


Article 15. Request for Access to Personal Information

Pursuant to Articles 35 through 37 of the Personal Information Protection Act, a data subject may file, to the department shown below, the following: requests for access to personal information; demands to correct and delete; demands to suspend processing; and withdrawal of consent (hereinafter “request for access to personal information”). Blue Garage will endeavor to have any request for access to personal information filed by a data subject processed without delay.

Department: Information Security Group

Contact: 1577-9621

Email: privacy_help@jype.com


Article 16. Remedy for Infringement on Rights and Interests

A data subject may file an application for dispute resolution or consultation with the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee or the Privacy Call Center of Korea Internet & Security Agency to be redressed for any damage arising from an infringement of their personal information. To make a report or consult regarding an infringement of your personal information, please contact one of the following agencies:

Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: 1833-6972 (www.kopico.go.kr)

Privacy Call Center: 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr)

Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 1301 (www.spo.go.kr)

National Police Agency: 182 (ecrm.cyber.go.kr)


Article 17. Modification of Privacy Policy

1. If this Privacy Policy is to be modified, Blue Garage shall specify the reason and application date of such modification, and notify users of such, providing the existing Privacy Policy for comparison, through a public announcement in the service.

2. This Privacy Policy shall become effective on 06, 01, 2025.

3. You can view the previous Privacy Policy in the FANS APP > MY > Privacy Policy section.